The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Denture Pain

The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Denture Pain

November 1, 2021

If you have worn dentures and partials before, you already know the pain they can cause, especially in the early stages. The reason is that the gums are usually still in shock from the extraction there before. At this moment, it’s crucial to watch what you eat because excessive chewing of tougher foods can increase pressure on the delicate gum tissue, causing denture pain.

In most cases, denture pain is associated with fresh, red tissues and mouth yeast infections. It can also be a result of the improper fitting of denture implants or snap-on dentures. Here is all you need to know about denture pain, the causes and signs of trouble, and ways to overcome it.

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Denture Types

  • Partial Dentures

Partial dentures for front teeth are the route you take when you do not have strong enough teeth to support bridgework or only several missing teeth. Unlike permanent dentures, partial dentures are held in place by lining up against the existing teeth. They are made from a mould taken from the existing teeth. They do not have any fit issues, but they can happen.

  • Immediate Dentures

They are designed to be worn as you heal from a tooth extraction or other invasive procedures. You can wear them for months, depending on the healing period. Thus, you may wear them for a great deal of time before you get complete dentures. The issue with this type is that gums tend to shrink and move as healing progresses. Over time, they need realignment.

  • Complete Dentures

They are won after the mouth completely heals. It can take weeks or even months for the healing process to be complete. Complete dentures are made from a mould, and just like immediates, they are held in place to the gums by suction. Maintenance here is crucial. So, they can develop some fit issues due to the conditions discussed below.

Identifying the Problem

The signs and symptoms of denture pains are relatively straightforward as the condition has some specific symptoms.

Some of the more apparent symptoms of denture pain include:

  • Isolated red areas on the skin below the denture
  • White yeast patches on the underside denture skin
  • Raw, red tissue
  • Gums appearing to grow over the denture

Possible Causes

  • Bacteria

When you fail to clean and maintain your dentures properly, bacteria can build up on the underside of the dentures, causing yeast formation. The yeast infection can cause the development of painful sores. Unlike natural teeth, where bacteria only build up in the form of plaque, people with dentures and partials are at a greater risk of having severe yeast infection on all areas the denture covers.

  • Fit

As earlier mentioned, the gum changes as your mouth heals. Thus, dentures can get misaligned as they struggle to fit. They rub on the top and bottom of the mouth resulting in raw skin on both surfaces.

Poorly fitted dentures rubbing on gums can cause bone resorption, a condition that causes extreme pain when chewing.

  • Adjustment Period

If you are getting false teeth for the first time, your teeth are not used to it. So, you can experience mild pain in the first few months. With time, you get used to the new teeth, and the denture pain disappears. If it doesn’t go away, you can consult your dentist to check If the teeth need minor adjustments.

Overcoming Denture Pain

  • Proper Maintenance

Dentures must be strictly maintained and cared for. You need to remove them and clean them every night. Some dentists recommend soaking them overnight in a cleaning solution to loosen up bacteria. Do not use hot water to avoid warping the devices. Also, brush them every morning and don’t use standard toothpaste and whitening solution as they can damage them.

  • Proper Oral Hygiene

Bacteria is your worst enemy, so you should keep your gums clean. We advise brushing our gums after cleaning your dentures to remove any food particles trapped underneath. Although the gums may feel sore from the suction effect of complete dentures, you can massage them using warm water and a washcloth or non-alcoholic mouthwash.

  • Re-Lining

In extreme cases, you will get the re-lining procedure at our Milestone Family Dentistry office for a better fit. It involves using a mould on the gum line to stick the denture in place. It lasts for two years then a replacement is needed. A hard re-line is a similar process and uses a harder substance and is more permanent.

  • Adjustment

It occurs in our dental office and can be done by your dentist. Since your mouth can change over time, the dentures get ground down in areas where you experience rubbing and soreness.

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